Memesco Ideal Solution Co

In a world of technology and advances in web development and industrial solutions, millions of companies, organizations, NGOs and so on had taken the bull by the horn by exploiting some of the most recent advances in technology to promote, market, and advertise their product and services online. This is simply because billions of people searches internet on daily basis not only to search for latest and quality products and services but also to buy them. So the best ever platform on which your company, brand, products and services can be seen and purchase is internet, no wonder why millions of individual, marketers, companies, and organizations turned to internet as an advertising platform and aid to promoting their products, services, and brands.

The most powerful method of attracting customers and clients to your product and services is to have a website designed and developed for your company, firm or organization. At this stage, you had just set your foot on landmark to success as billions of people will be able to discover your brands, products, and services on daily basis. As we knows that anything good in life needs proper maintenance, and that is the reason why we do help our customers and clients to maintain and administer their website after developing it for them free of charge making it one of the reason why people chooses us to develop their website for them, as it will enable them to focus on other areas of development. We have heard about website going down, and for individuals and companies who are into ecommerce, or whose daily activities and transaction is online, it means loss of profits and revenue, while at the same time bringing your company, or organization to bad reputation. Generally, most web design and development company doesn’t offer website monitoring service, but at MEMESCO SOLUTIONS, we do implement website monitoring service on any website we develop for our clients which helps to prevent downtime, so that their wouldn’t be any loss in profit. Before you could take any decision as regards website downtime and performance of your website, the following should be known and consider;

Relationship between website downtime and Website performance

What does it mean when for a website to go down? It means your website is not accessible to visitor, and ultimately saying cannot bring sales. There some other instances in which customers will not be able to complete orders or sales. The truth here is that when your website is down, customers and client will know that your website is down, and the probability of them coming back to complete orders, sales, or purchase any goods is very slim, so most customers and client will shift attention and focus from that site to another website, the same thing happens when your website is having poor performances. This brings about one of the reason why you have to use website monitoring service to monitor downtime and performances of your website, at MEMESCO SOLUTIONS, we do implement this on the website of all our clients free of charge as it has continue to be one of several reasons why we are being patronize than some Information technology and web development industry, our website monitoring services will monitor all about your website 24/7.

Negative effect of poor performances on website

For each minutes or seconds your site experiences downtime, you loses sales and profit which is difficult to measure due to poor performances of your website. Take for instance, if a website takes more time to load than norm, chances are there that potential customers and clients will divert their attention to another site of your competitor, and never to come back to your website again. In addition to this, poor site performance affects other factors which can facilitate successes of your website such as conversion rate, brand perception, band rate, in addition to a host of other factors. This actually means that implementing website monitoring services which monitors downtime and performances must be an integral part of your online business if it is to succeed.

Numerical Factors

It is somehow difficult to calculate cost of poor performance on your site in terms of loses. Sales can be lost due to poor site performances as well as downtime. For instance, if your sites rakes in averages of $60,000 per day, you can actually lose $2 million in sales per year due to poor performances of your website. At MEMESCO SOLUTIONS, our web monitoring services will work with human cognitive intelligence to monitor and prevent your website against downtime and poor site performances, with optional 30-days money back guarantee.

Decision factor in Website Monitoring Service

By decision factor, I mean chosen the right website monitoring service that is going to monitor your website performances in addition to downtime, as it will enable you to know if any of your webpage is having issues with its performances. When it comes to choosing web monitoring services, you are poised for choice as there are several web monitoring services out there with varying capability and efficiency. For example, our sophisticated web monitoring service will utilize human cognitive intelligence to monitor your website 24/7, while also generating and sending report to you as regards your website performances and visibility through search engines. Profit is profit, no matter how small it is, so implementing a good website monitoring service on your website will help you to avoid downtime, poor site performances, and profit loss.

At MEMESCO SOLUTIONS, we offer web monitoring services to websites and web applications of all category. MEMESCO Web Monitoring Services utilizes sophisticated technologies and human cognitive intelligence to monitor everything concerning your website, while also generating automatic report and sending it to you. To order or request for our web monitoring services, kindly fill the form below as all our services comes with optional 30-days money back guarantee.

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